Saturday, August 31, 2019

Chemistry of Chocolate Essay

Chocolate is made from the cacao bean. According to Rodney Lipson, â€Å"Cacao has been a cultivated crop for at least three thousand years, probably quite a bit more. The people who first utilized Cacao were the inhabitants of what is now Venezuela† (Lipson) This group of people would eventually spread the cacao bean in northwestern South America. Cacao was clearly highly valued by these people and they spread it northward through trade with their neighbors. It was probably the Maya, over 1500 years ago, who brought Cacao to Yucatan in what is now Mexico. The Aztecs who got Cacao from the Maya, used Cacao in a number of ways, one common way was as a bitter spice in food and possibly also as a base for pasta or bread, but the most well-known way that Cacao was as a drink. While the Maya drank Chocolate hot, the Aztecs seem to have often taken it cold. The Aztecs called the drink, and apparently the bean as well, Xocoatl. From this word comes the pan-European word Chocolate. When Europeans first made contact with the Aztec civilization, Cacao was being cultivated and used extensively. The Spanish Conquistadors quickly noticed the benefits of Chocolate and used it to keep their armies marching long distances with little food. From the Aztecs the Spanish took it to Europe. Chocolate was widely used in Catholic countries after 1569 when Pope Pius V declared that Chocolate, the drink, did not break the fast, despite the hearty nutritional aspects of Chocolate† (Lipson). Chocolate continued to be moved from country to country through trade and exploration. Soon chocolate found its way into America, and according to Lipson, â€Å"In 1900 Milton Snavely Hershey, a Mennonite from Pennsylvania, began producing milk-chocolate bars and â€Å"kisses† with great success. He was anti-alcohol and saw Chocolate as a good, profitable alternative. His empire grew even larger during World War I, when Milton Hershey encouraged the US Army to add four Hershey bars to each soldiers daily ration† (Lipson). Because of Hershey, chocolate was now affordable for everyone, and his methods of making chocolate are still used today. Peter’s chocolate tells us that chocolate is made by, â€Å"storing the cacao beans in silos or warehouse. These rooms are well aired, kept at cool temperature and the humidity regularly checked. Before the production stage, the beans are sorted and cleaned. Cocoa does not acquire the richness of its color and the fullness of its flavor until it is roasted. The degree of care given to this operation has considerable influence on the ultimate quality of the end product – either cocoa powder or chocolate. When roasting is complete, the beans are cooled and their thin shells removed by a winnowing machine. The husked and winnowed beans are called â€Å"nibs†. Here’s where the first secrets of the chocolate manufacturer come in. The nibs are blended, combining as many as eight to ten varieties. It is control of these subtle mixtures that maintains a constant quality and brings out the flavor of each particular variety of chocolate. The roasted and winnowed nibs then pass through refining mills and are ground. The heat generated by grinding causes the cocoa butter or fat to melt and form a fine paste or liquid known as chocolate â€Å"liquor. † This goes to large hydraulic presses which remove most of the cocoa butter. The â€Å"cake† which is left may eventually be made into cocoa powder. The cake goes through several processes in which it is crushed, milled and finely sifted. After the cocoa paste, cocoa butter, milk, sugar and additional flavorings have been carefully weighed out in accordance with the recipe, they go into a mixer where rotating, kneading arms thoroughly mix all the ingredients. The result is a homogeneous, paste-like mixture which is already pleasant to taste, but still feels gritty to the palate. The chocolate is put in a conching machine. While in the machine, the chocolate turns over in the conching machine, a controlled amount of air ventilates the mass, allowing the full aroma and flavor to develop. The still-warm conched chocolate is placed in a tempering machine so that it can be slowly and steadily cooled. The tempering prevents separation in the chocolate when it’s filled into bar molds and hardens† (Peter’s). This results in the average chocolate bar.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Basque Conflict Essay

Introduction I. Conflicts are not entities in themselves. They have to be viewed and analyzed within the context of various factors; those that lead to conflict in the first place and also those that keep them fuelled. II. The Basque conflict in Spain is a result of cultural repression and intolerance. III. We propose to examine the Basque conflict with a particular focus on the Spanish interests in the matter and intent to present the historical context of the conflict in a socio-political manner, then move to the cultural implications of the issue, then analyze the cultural conflict that has both been born of and furthered Basque nationalism. I. Causes of Basque conflict A. Ideology B. Culture II. Consequences of Basque conflict A. Kidnappings-for-ransom B. Extortion C. Terrorist acts II. Solutions A. Refusing to negotiate with who it refers to as terrorists B. A propaganda war C. Increase anti-terrorist activities D. Grant full independence to the Basques subject to a plebiscite within the Basque country .Conclusion I. The government has to show it is ready to concede some more autonomy to the Basques. II. Peace is not possible in the years to come in Spain without a radical reconsideration of the government as well as the unilateral support from both Spaniards and Basques of the dismantling of the Euskadi Ta Askatasuna. Script Conflicts are not entities in themselves. They have to be viewed and analyzed within the context of various factors; those that lead to conflict in the first place and also those that keep them fuelled. The Basque conflict in Spain is a result of cultural repression and intolerance. The Comunidad Autonoma Vasca, or Basque region in the South of France and the northeastern edge of Spain is currently riddled with violent conflict. In this presentation we propose to examine the Basque conflict with a particular focus on the Spanish interests in the matter. We intent to present the historical context of the conflict in a socio-political manner, then move to the cultural implications of the issue. The Basque Independence Party (Batasuna) with its military wing Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) has employed military means to achieve its goal of Basque self-determination. The Basque organization Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) was formed in 1959 and began waging a small scale war against the Spanish government. The causes for conflict lie in ideology and culture according to Fukuyama and Huntington respectively. The arguments of Friedlander and Cohen do not agree with these two theorists as they both posit that individuals do much less to influence history than the overarching powers of collective peoples. The argument that Fukuyama brings forth in his work; â€Å"The End of History†, conjectures that history is composed of a string of ideological shifts brought about by conflict in an evolutionary manner. He argues that history is the cyclical build-up of new competing ideologies which escalated into a military conflict which leads to a victorious ideology and then the arrival of new competitors. In order to finance its operations, ETA has used kidnappings-for-ransom, extortion, and (less frequently) robberies. The main targets of such money-rising activities have been Basque entrepreneurs, who have since begun to abandon the Basque Country in large numbers in order to escape extortion or abduction by the terrorist group. In addition, the terrorist conflict has been frequently cited as deterrence for domestic and foreign direct investment in the Basque Country. Finally, although terrorist attacks have occurred in almost all Spanish regions, most of ETA’s violent activity has been concentrated in the Basque Country. Almost 70% of the deaths caused by ETA in Spain during 1968-1997 occurred in the Basque Country. During the period 1968-1997, ETA’s activity measured as number of deaths per inhabitant was 37 times larger in the Basque Country than in the rest of Spain. Now let’s look at the options open to the Spanish Government because it is obvious that ETA will not just go away. Firstly, refusing to negotiate with who it refers to as terrorists. This is the course of action presently taken by the government in Spain at the moment. It does not however mean that the Basque conflict will disappear. By ignoring the problem it won’t go away. People in Spain are getting fed up living in continual fear of a bomb attack. Secondly, a propaganda war. This could have the scope of showing Basques that their lot is better by remaining Spanish, and also isolate the more militant nationalists from the bulk which are wary of the conflict. Thirdly, increase anti-terrorist activities. This has been done in the past and it does not seem to have worked except to drive ETA even more underground. Anti-terrorist groups are too much of a liability as has been shown by the â€Å"dirty war†. Everything has to be done within the law something favoring the separatists. The state could attempt to eliminate all the separatists but it is hardly possible, whilst eliminating them of their leadership has not worked due to the separatists’ system of having autonomous branches all capable of committing anti-state activities. Then, grant full independence to the Basques subject to a plebiscite within the Basque country:- This is a â€Å"hard to swallow† option for any Spanish Government. Firstly a plebiscite in the Basque country would most probably (although not certain) result in favor of independence, secondly it would mean an electoral defeat for the party putting it in action in Spain itself. The Basque country is too important both for economic and industrial reasons and also for the ethnically Spanish people living there. The government has to show it is ready to concede some more autonomy to the Basques .It is our belief that peace is not possible in the years to come in Spain without a radical reconsideration of the government as well as the unilateral support from both Spaniards and Basques of the dismantling of the Euskadi Ta Askatasuna. We believe that in some cases this unilateral front will need to engage in military action. The terrorist leaders of ETA are identifiable and can be eliminated publicly and legally Reference List Flash Points/World Conflict Basque-Spain Conflict United States institute of Peace The Basque Conflict: New Ideas and Prospects for Peace The Economic Costs of Conflict: A Case Study of the Basque Country Author(s): Alberto Abadie and Javier Gardeazabal Source: The American Economic Review, Vol. 93, No. 1 (Mar., 2003), pp. 113-132 Published by: American Economic Association Stable a

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Society and Fashion in the Age of Postmodernism Essay

Society and Fashion in the Age of Postmodernism - Essay Example The essay "Society and Fashion in the Age of Postmodernism" concerns the postmodernism society. Language lost its ‘meaning’, culture lost its ‘centre’ and history found itself struggling for being, let alone authenticity. Because of the work of thinkers like Derrida, Foucault and Lyotard ‘mental structures’ began to wobble; foundational assumptions came under a cloud. What is man’s role in a society? Is not he the subject of several forces including language and discourse? Can he lay claim to any ‘Truth’ when even the hyponyms of it were being questioned? Perhaps the answer to this whirlpool of uncertainty lay in his summoning up his infinite potential of creativity for a plausible answer. The one that bagged consensus was ‘celebration’. A celebration of the joke called life. Of the absurdity called existence. Everything, including architecture and fashion, responded to this interpretation. (Postmodernism may say that there are not any facts but only interpretations, but the human mind considers this as a fact). The greatest manifestation of this new-found enterprise was in the salad that combined ‘high’ and ‘low’ culture. Music strove to mix 14th century church chant with the latest in euphony. Buildings displayed gothic arches with a bunch of steel tubes to add to its effect. And in vogue were straitjackets with a naughty hint of one’s backside. Joanne Finkelstein recollects anthropologist Jonathan Friedman’s observation that in African Congo during the 70s and 80s.... The currency of the young subculture was to wear the latest in European fashion circles. Although the social and economic differences between Congo and Paris were too vast to be mentioned, the young sapeurs chose to bridge dream and reality through clothes. So much so that wearing haute couture was like realizing a dream. And this imbalance between dream and its realization, between valuing a particular object and having the capacity to possess and maintain it was a fundamental dynamic of fashion, according to Finkelstein1. However, in the 'subcultures' of Britain which included teds, punks, skinheads and hippies the dynamic of fashion was something totally different. Dick Hebdige points out that the main aim of the subcultures was to cobble out of the available forms, a new set of genres that will free them form the manacles of tradition2. However, Hebdige admits that the commercial culture itself had the wherewithal to counter the hegemonic culture by producing for the subcultures. By marrying the high with the low, the radical with the conservative, it produced a range of clothes for the punk that is still looked upon as an act of positive aggression. These two divergent theses coalesce to the synthesis that in fashion there cannot be a common protocol. At a time when 'consilience' is the order of the day and terms like 'society', 'identity' and 'nation' are themselves undergoing significant semantic changes, 'fashion' which is the signature of these terms in flux cannot remain steady and static. In postmodern zeitgeist is not only that fashion influences society but also that society influences fashion. Fashion becomes an

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

What Is Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

What Is Philosophy - Essay Example I think the knowledge of everything depends on the extent of knowledge that we have about that thing. For example, we believe in God because we experience His involvement in every matter of our lives, as well as in what is beyond our imagination. The basis for knowledge is experience. A person learns from what he/she experiences. I think not all knowledge is subjective and there exist a number of universal truths. The relationship between faith and reason is obvious. We develop faith in someone when we experience something good from that’s person. That experience becomes the reason for developing faith in that person. If we talk about artificial intelligence, we can say that it builds upon the knowledge of humans. I would say that human understanding has some limit because a person understands maximum the level his mind allows him. I think the right thing to do is what benefits us and the people around us. A good person is one who values others and takes decisions that do not produce any harm for any other person. A good person to me is also the one who maintains good social relationships with others and provides support to the people in need. I think virtue always leads to happiness. Virtue is an asset and a good asset always produces something good. A virtuous action benefits everyone and puts a long-term positive impact on the whole society. â€Å"Like everything else morality is a man made concept, therefore it is not real† (An, 2009).

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Marketing Communication Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing Communication Plan - Essay Example This is because IMC is an indispensable tool that will link the marketing tools of Pure-Body business venture to attain its targets and objectives. This is in recognition that IMC creates a competitive advantage in the market while receiving huge economic boost to increase profits and sales (Pelsmacker & Kitchen, 2004:113). Moreover, Integrated Market Communication makes a strong tie between business ventures and customers for long-term success of companies. Integrated Marketing Communication plan embraces for stages such as horizontal integration, internal/external integration, and financial integration. Horizontal integration is a communication that promotes co-operation with manufacturing and operational departments for the companies to fulfil its objectives (Varey, 2002:127). In this case, the management of Pure-Body business will use corporate-level to identify industries in which their company should compete in to maximise its long-term profitability. Pure-Body aims to embrace horizontal integration to consolidating the activities of the various departments for its wholesale success. Through horizontal integration, Pure- body business will reduce the cost structure, increases service differentiation, and replication of business model. In addition, it will reduce rivalry within the industry, and increases bargaining power over supplies and purchasers. Pure-Body business aspires to enjoy the benefits of horizontal integration. These include lowering a business cost structure because it increases economies of scale. The operational departments provide important business advice to the manufacturing department to reduce cost structure (Stephenson & Thurman, 2007:239). For instance, the operational departments can advise the manufacturing department to dispose a faulty machine that is inefficient. This enables the manufacturing department to acquire a new machine that is efficient. Therefore, the manufacturing department cuts down the cost of the structure. Hor izontal integration helps to reduce the duplication of resources between two companies. The manufacturing department together with other departments achieve this endeavour by eliminating the need for two separate sales forces or corporate head offices. Horizontal integration augments product differentiation, which increases profitability. This is because horizontal communication provides the manufacturing department with innovative ideas to manufacture consumer products or give essential services. Horizontal integration encourages companies to merger. This increases differentiation thereby it allowing a company to combine the products lines or services of merged companies for customer satisfaction (Smith & Taylor, 2004:12). The Integrated market communication at Pure-Body will endeavour to conduct several marketing research techniques to ascertain the level of curiosity of satisfaction and among potential customers. Pure-Body will employ online surveys, blogs, and social media such as twitter and facebook for the users to enter into discussions. The company intends to use mass media to popularise itself after it achieves financial stability. Mostly the company will concentrate on online advertising, social networks, and communication through newspapers, and surveys. Online Advertising Pure-Body business recognises the benefits of employing online advertisement to create awareness of their services. Online advertisement

Monday, August 26, 2019

Egomania Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Egomania - Essay Example Another factor that is also worth noting about egomania patients is that they are not in love with themselves per se, but with the image that they create and believe that people will accept and respect (Kernberg, 257-287). This disorder has been found to possess a higher prevalence among men and male and female narcissists tend to use different techniques which include seduction, sexuality and physique. The above mentioned traits make it very difficult for these individuals to interact with other people and this aspect of the disorder has been widely debated. The paper will be dedicated towards analyzing the impact egomania symptoms have on other individuals. As mentioned above, egomania is associated with self-obsession. These patients rarely credit or acknowledge other individuals around them. This attribute is likely push people away (Kernberg, 257-287). For example, if a group of students carries out a project together. Egomania will not accept the input of others and instead illustrate their own viewpoints. This is likely to push other students away as they will be willing to participate in the project and gain a deeper understanding of the principle involved. In addition, every individual needs accreditation for his or work and this factor is likely to push other people away (Kernberg, 257-287).... The same example may also be used for workers in company as they are likely to be closer to their bosses. They are likely to be considered as â€Å"workaholics† and are also determined to go the extra the extra mile in this setting (Miller, 640). The bosses will have confidence when they delegate work and assignments to these individuals as they are less likely to neglect their responsibility. They are also likely to volunteer themselves for certain roles to show themselves and the community their superiority (Miller, 640). Egomaniacs also feel superior to everyone around them as they feel they have capabilities that other people do not possess. This factor is likely to have a negative impact on the attitudes of work mates towards these individuals. It is human nature for one to want to feel valued and making someone feel inferior is likely to decrease a person’s self esteem and hence reduce his or her positive feelings towards the oppressor. These individuals are also different to others around them as people are normally courteous, and humility has become an admirable trait in societal norms. Therefore, the way they act is likely to place them in a separate category from the standard behavioral traits and people are often unwilling to accept these negative changes. Egomaniacs have also been found to have a higher likelihood for success. This is because the attributes associated with this condition makes the people less attentive to societal distractions. Their goals and motivations are only centered on success and they have no conceptions of failure (Ronningstam, 222-227). This is an appealing quality to individuals in different spheres of life as these people

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Developing an Integrated SLA Theory Research Paper

Developing an Integrated SLA Theory - Research Paper Example on this theory, Second language acquisition is mainly concerned the process of acquiring a new language other than the inborn language and how the process is affected by other disciplines such as the social-cultural theories. The theory offers a clear reflection from a new perception, on some of the challenges that people face during new language acquisition. It offers some pedagogical suggestions for foreign linguistic teaching. However according to Moore and Kearsly (1996), foreign language educators ought to maintain three types of interactions: learner- content, learner-tutor and learner-learner. According to Krashen’s theory on second language acquisition, comprehensible input and interactions are crucial. Interactions facilitate practice that has the advantage of enhancing the acquisition and fluency of the foreign language. This paper makes attempts to expound Social-Cultural Theory’s paradigms, its influence on second language acquisition and the tutorial sugges tions for foreign language coaching (Vygotsky, 1978). An overview of main second language acquisition theories that reveal that advance of the concepts of comprehensible input, understandable output, and interactions are significant in the second language acquisition. Many theories contain diverse views on the ways of ensuring interactions and the role it plays in the second language acquisition. Krashen’s theory (1985, 1994) has since becoming the most predominant theory in the acquisition of a second language and teaching exercise. According to the theory, SLA is determined by the extent of the compressible input during teaching. It asserts that the one-way contribution in the second language that is not only understandable but also at the level is just beyond the existing language proficiency of learners. The theory asserts that the prediction upon which learners acquire the notions of the second language relays of the method they get and understand the messages. Krashen’s (1994) offers

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Portable X-ray fluorescence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Portable X-ray fluorescence - Research Paper Example ng solutions in the presence of several additive ions by portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) revealing an optimum potassium gold cyanide concentration of 2 - 3 g/L for maximum cathode efficiency. Further, there is exploration of utility of XRF to determine the thickness of gold plated on copper substrates up to 6 microns. For the second experiment, the objectives were to determine the detection limits, accuracy, repeatability and efficiency of a X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Niton XRF analyzer) in comparison with the traditional analytical methods, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES). Further, the experiment also involved applying inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-MS) in screening of major and trace elements of environmental samples including estuary soils and sediments, contaminated soils, and biological samples. For the third experiment the major objective was to compare lead concentrations in surface peat samples from the South Pennines (UK) derived using (a) X-ray fluorescence spectrometry is a core aspect in analysis especially in the field of science and industry application. The concept of XRF lies on the principle that individual atoms, wherever excited as a result of contact with an external energy source, ends up emitting X-ray photons characterized by a a wavelength or energy. In which case, on this basis one can define the identity and quantification of an element present therein by simply counting the number of photons contained in energy from the given sample. Henry Moseley coined the technique, after being led by a discovery of X-ray tube that he applied in bombarding samples containing high energy electrons. Intuitively, Henry ended up with a mathematical relationship that could related the atomic number to the element’s emitted X-ray frequency. The years were followed by eventual development of the instrument leading to a modern XRF instrument that is reliable for analysis

Friday, August 23, 2019

Implementing organizational change plan Assignment

Implementing organizational change plan - Assignment Example To identify the factors required to implement change in the defense sector, focus on strategies for change implementation, evaluate methods to monitor the implementation of such change, examine relationship between organization’s personnel, processes and systems, etc. In the previous years, army life was supposed to be one of the best careers possible owing to the benefits it provided. Forget about the hardship of the soldiers, they were provided with high payments and other amenities. As time went on, and with the advent of highly paying service sector, the soldiers are comparing their lives with those of the highly paid service professionals who do not face the risk of their life. Added to this, the discomfort of parting from their family members and the work humiliation by their superiors is forcing the youngsters to rethink their career options into army. But, as the country’s security lies in the hands of these youth, it becomes imperative to bring about considerab le organizational change in this sector.A comprehensive plan needs to be developed to subdue the effect of these factors. Strategies for successful implementation of proposed change: After examining abovementioned factors, the proposed change can be a welcome in the army only when the subordinates are also included in the planning process. This is called Management by Objectives. In this process, 1. The organizational objectives and their purpose are clearly defined: As for the defense sector, the main objective is to maintain peace in the country and defend an enemy when such situations arise. This should be made clear to every army personnel. 2. The key Performance Areas (KPA’s) have to be drawn down realistically by the superiors: The superiors have to give great importance to the security of their personnel to gain their confidence. Detailed plans have to be drawn about the operations to be used in the warfronts and they have to be communicated clearly. 3. Setting of obje ctives for sub-ordinates: The KPA’s for every individual could be to maintain peace and harmony in the department, upgrade personal skills to imbibe new warfront technologies, exhibit presence of mind at the wartime and perform what is required at that very moment. The sub-ordinates should be explained of their roles in reaching the objectives to minimize the gap between the expectations and their performance. 4. Objective matching with the resources: The superiors should foray into technology, task and structure related changes and design the best methodology for the subordinates.

Research methodologies-------the reason of the talent flows from a Essay

Research methodologies-------the reason of the talent flows from a state owned bank to a private bank - Essay Example The services offered by the bank includes retail banking, corporate banking, foreign currency transaction, consumer credit, Great Wall debit and credit card services, investment banking, fund management and clearing and settlement (Bank of China, n.d.; Bloomberg, 2013a; Bloomberg, 2013b; The Financial Times Ltd., 2013). The other bank which is considered in the study is CMBC. CMBC was established in the year 1996 in Beijing. It is non-state owned enterprise and was founded in strict compliance with the regulations and rules lead down by the commercial banking law and the company law (CMBC, n.d.). The bank conducts commercial banking business by providing loan, deposits, issues financial bonds, discounts, settlements, government bond trading and underwriting, bank guarantee, letter of credit and other financial services (Bloomberg, 2013c; Bloomberg, 2013d). The study is conducted on the employees and the human resource manager of the two organizations in order to gain a clear understa nding regarding the selection and the rewards policies and how these are related to the talent flow from the state owned banks to the private owned banks. 4.1 Employees of Bank of China This section briefs about the responses of the employees of Bank of China regarding the study. ... nts came to know about the vacancy from an advertisement given in the newspaper and rest that is 5 percent of the respondents was selected through campus recruitment. On asking the employees of Bank of China regarding how did they apply and when did they get call; they said that after going through the details of the position and the eligibility criteria mentioned in the notice, they need to fill up the application form available on the website of the bank and send it to the human resource department of the bank via e-mail as mentioned in the notice. About 50 percent of the respondents received a call from the bank after three months of sending the application; whereas almost 30 percent and 20 percent of the respondents got a call after 60 and 75 days respectively. When the question regarding how many rounds of interview did the candidate faced was asked the employees of Bank of China, about 100 percent of the respondents replied that they faced only one round of interview. However, they stated that there is one round for lower and lower middle level of recruitment but in case of higher level the number of interview ranges from 2 to 3. The interview is only conducted after the candidates have successfully passed the written examination. When the employees were asked whether they think that the selection procedure that the organization follows is an appropriate way to judge the potential of the candidate, they said that the selection procedures included resume screening, written examination and interview; after the candidate qualifies these steps then background investigation and physical examination are conducted. About 60 percent of the respondents feel that the selection procedure used by the organization in an appropriate way to judge the potential of a candidate.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Theories such as Marxism Essay Example for Free

Theories such as Marxism Essay Within this essay, I will be examining the view that education re-creates the class system. Theories such as Marxism, Internationalism and feminism, would agree with each other in saying that the education system favours the working class, due to ideologies, discrimination, domination and social control. Marxists Bowles and Gintis myth of education is a complete attack on the functionalists concept of meritocracy. Bowles and Gintis (1976) argued that the meritocratic idea that education offers everybody an equal chance is in fact a myth or a story that all of us jus blindly believe. They believe that the education system works against the ideas of the working classes. In their correspondence theory they argued that there was a correspondence between social relationships in the classroom and the work place. By this, they meant that the hierarchies, certificates, and discipline systems that can be found in schools are actually very similar to the world of work. In school you are paid with certificates, where as on the other hand in work you are paid with wages. Marxists also argue that education has a cultural reproduction role. Bourdieu has argued that schools, along with the staff that work in them are generally middle-class institutions. Working class children simply do not posses the cultural capital, which are things like the ideas, tastes, values and lifestyle associated with a particular class required for success in establishments. This means that middle-class children will generally do better than working class children. This makes school an institution that ensures middle-class dominance from one generation to the next. A sociologist that illustrates this view is, Marxist, Tomlinson says that differences in class are more important than differences in ethnicity in explaining educational attainment. So it is clear that education looks at classes and allocates where each student goes in the hierarchy. It recreates the education system by teaching children what society wants them to learn through the hidden curriculum, as well as teaching them to accept their roles and place in society, this relates to the class system as it ranks the middle class on top of working class. Functionalists say the class system in education should change as they believe in the education system being meritocratic as they say that the harder you work the better off you will be. Because the curriculum is based on westernized cultures, there is conflict between classes in education. Interactionists would say that there are many other stereotypes in the education system which puts the middle class in advantage to the working class to which the education system mostly benefits the middle class rather than then the working class. So, on the whole, the education system allocates students through meritocracy, reflecting their class in society. The well off- middle-class are better off, with more resources, cultural capital etc, and so can work their way up easily, and as we know education success is rewarded with cultural capital. On the other hand, the working class dont have that many benefits, so they do not achieve a lot. Education reinforces the roles the classes have to play in society and re-creates the class system.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The industrial ecology

The industrial ecology ABSTRACT:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Industrial ecology is the main topics of industrial ecology Subject. Here also come Ecology, Ecosystem, Industrial ecology, Industrial system, Relation between industrial ecology and industrial system. Then describing and discussing the similarities and differences between an ecosystem and an industrial system. Then describing and discussing the actual definition of industrial ecology in the main body of this assignment. Here we can also see that the result and the conclusion at the ends of the body. At the end of this assignment we see the references which I have added to see the original information. Introduction:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At first we need to know what is ecosystem and what is industrial system? So we need to know, what is ecology? Ecology is a broad biological science and can be divided into many sub-disciplines using various criteria. Many of these fields overlap complement and inform each other (refer 1).So I think Ecosystem is a system which we see the natural world where every thing is running automatically called natural system is one kind of ecosystem. On the other hand industrial system is a system where we get a product or energy when we add some materials. Discipline that traces the flow of energy and materials from their natural resources through manufacture, the use of products, and their final recycling or disposal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Secondly we need to know, what is industrial ecology? Industrial ecology is an interdisciplinaryframework for designing and operating industrial systems as living systems interdependent with natural systems (refer3).we also get in our textbook, Industrial ecology consciously incorporates the word ecology, a term originated with reference of biological system. In my assumption, Industrial ecology is one of the systems which we can contribute by the industry. It is very difficult to identify the actual definition of industrial ecology. Aims and Objectives:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The objectives of this assignment are to describe and discuss the similarities and differences between ecosystem and industrial system and also we will describe and discuss the definition of Industrial ecology in practice and research.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In our main goal is describing and discussing elaborately and find the main difference and similarities between ecosystem and industrial system and also we try to find and learn the actual definition of industrial ecology. Methodology:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Through gathering information from Chapter 4 of Graedel and Allenby (2003) and Chapter2 of Erkman and Ramaswamy (2003), and other on-line sources about the similarities and differences between ecosystem and industrial system and also collect the information about the definition of Industrial ecology. Here I have given two questions answer and also discuss of that questions to broader our knowledge and to give a more realistic view of industrial ecology. Describing and discussing the similarities and difference between an ecosystem and an industrial system: Similarities between ecosystem and industrial system:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the ecosystem we see that where use some materials and energies on the other hand industrial system we also use some materials and energies.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If we consider the things that we get ecosystem is a cycling system and industrial system also a cycling system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If we consider the natural things like that biological system then we see that ecology is a one kinds of food chain and industrial system when a product finally   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  out from the system then the system also go to the beginning process.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  So it is also one kind of food chain.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some waste out from every system, most of the time we see that in ecosystem can recover their waste naturally and industrial system also tries   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  to recover their waste. For example:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In biological systems, trees use nutrients to produce nuts, which are eaten by squirrels, and the nut resources are used to produce baby squirrels. Some of those babies become food for foraging mammals and birds. The squirrels is thus both pray and predator, secondary producer and consumer. A similar situation exists in industry, where a factory acting as consumer may receive disk drives, housings, and key boards as a consumer and assemble computers as a secondary producer. Differences between ecosystem and industrial system:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the ecosystem we see that where the physical energy dont come directly like as a nutrient but industrial system where physical energy come from directly like as a mechanical or human being.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the ecosystem we get the primary condition and sometimes we get the secondary condition like as gas, coal, oil. But the industrial system only we get the secondary condition like as electricity, light etc.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  And at last in the ecosystem we see some wastes but maximum wastes can recover naturally but industrial system we see the waste more and most of the time it cant recover to use the system. Describe and discuss the definition of Industrial ecology in practice and research:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Industrial ecology explores the assumption that industrial activities should not be considered in isolation from the wider world but rather in terms of an industrial ecosystem functioning within the natural ecological system or biosphere.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  However here there is no standard definition of industrial ecology. Industrial ecology more or less follows three key elements which is below Industrial ecology is a systemic, comprehensive, integrated view of all the components if the industrial economy and their relations with the biosphere. It emphasizes the biophysical substratum of human activities. It considers technological dynamics.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  So we can say that if we can recover our industrial system then we get the actual industrial ecology. We can recover it by restructuring the industrial system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We can restructure the industrial system by using four main elements Optimizing the use of resources. Closing material loops and minimizing emissions. Dematerializing activities. Reducing and e laminating the dependence on non renewable sources of energy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If we consider in this four elements to restructure of our industrial system then we can see the industrial ecology. Results:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We have already described and discussed our topics elaborately in the body assignment. We also have described the definition of industrial ecology but it is very difficult to find the definition of industrial ecology. Conclusion:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In end of this assignment, my assumption is that the industrial system is not the same of the industrial ecology. References: Industrial ecology(webside) Industrial Ecology(text book) Graedel and Allenby (2003) Industrial Ecology Erkman and Ramaswamy (2003)

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Techniques Of Javelin Throwing

Techniques Of Javelin Throwing Observation and analysis is imperative to coaches in order to provide the learner with detailed feedback about their performance (Hay, 1994). Javelin throwing has shown little change in technique throughout the years and elite performers virtually show identical techniques. Some athletes differ with their techniques by rotating the javelin arm forward, down and then extend it back prior to throwing. The most common technique of javelin keeps the javelin stable without any motion then extends it back before forward motion (Carr, 1999). According to Rogers (2000) the javelin is divided into a four phase pattern. These phases are; approach, transition, block and release and follow through. The approach is the run-up phase prior to withdrawal of the javelin. The run-up develops velocity and this energy created is transferred to the throw. The momentum gathered from the run-up adds 30-40% distance from a javelin that is thrown from a standing position (Rogers, 2000). Athletes prefer to use 12-15 step run up but some find using 8-10 steps comfortable. During the approach there should be a gradual acceleration eventually reaching a maximal, but controllable speed that can be maintained through the transition and release phase. The athlete should be relaxed during the run especially in the upper body and shoulders, maintaining a good posture. The javelin should be carried at a right angle with the shoulder with the javelin kept level and stable whilst in the run-up (Rogers, 2000). The transition phase is used to withdraw the javelin in preparation for the explosive motion of the release of the javelin. The withdrawal is established with a five-step pattern (for right handed thrower this goes left, right, left, right, left). The withdrawal begins when the left foot lands (after 12-15 step run-up). As the left foot lands shoulders turn 90 degrees to the right and the throwing is extended back with the palm facing upwards, so the arm is level or above the plane of the shoulders. The arm is slightly external rotated at the shoulder joint to ensure the palm is facing upwards. The tip of the javelin should be aligned at the level of the chin with shoulder kept level. During this phase the legs and hips are active. The turning of the shoulder controls hip rotation and feet placement and turning of the hips and feet cause deceleration (Rogers, 2000). Figure 1. The transition between approach and withdrawal phase with emphasis on the drawback of the javelin. The final stage of the transition is the most important to gain energy into the release of the javelin, the impulse step. The impulse stride drives the hips and trunk forward. The trunk is kept upright to maintain forwards speed. The right leg is swung infront forward with knee flexed and toe turned up. The left foot then lands forwards as the right contacts the ground (Rogers, 2000). Figure 2. Final Stage of the transition phase the impulse stride. Emphasis on the high knee drive of the right leg. The block and release phase is an explosive continuation from the preceding phase. During this phase the hips and trunk are thrust forward against a straight, left leg. The hips rotate with them finishing facing the direction of the throw. As the left leg is planted in a blocked action the right leg drive forces acceleration of the right hip, stretching the trunk. The throwing arm and all the leg action is kept relaxed and trailing. All these actions cause a stretch of the chest and trunk muscles resulting in a flail like action of the throwing arm (Rogers, 2000). Figure 3. The release phase showing the full extension of the left leg and the right leg driving through the block. During the follow-through the athlete must think of driving through the block. This forces the body high and onto the left toe after release. Another step should check the forwards momentum to prevent exceeding the foul line (Rogers, 2000). Analysis of Performance Using the four phase pattern devised by Rogers (2000) an analysis of a javelin performer comprising of their strengths and weaknesses and comparing them to a good model of practice. Strengths of the athlete shown come in the approach phase of the javelin throw. The athlete uses a 10-15 step run-up with a gradual acceleration which is controlled by the athlete. A controllable speed enables the athlete to gain momentum going into the transition and release phase where the more explosive movements take place. During the approach phase the athlete also shows a good posture with shoulders and upper body relaxed and javelin kept stable (Rogers, 2000). During the transition phase of the throw the athlete has good posture and the footwork is exemplary. The athlete keeps the hips high and upper body upright whilst doing the cross-over steps. During the cross-over steps the javelin is stable and is partly extended. The footwork of the athlete is correct and continues the gradual acceleration gained during the approach run. Prioritising the weaknesses of the athlete are essential so the correct practice drills can be selected and eventually an improvement in technique and performance. The two weaknesses concern the arm positioning and the impulse stride. The athletes arm drops below the plane of the shoulders. This impacts the whip-and flail release as the chest and torso are not kept open (Rogers, 2000; Paish, 2009). During the release phase the block of the left side causes a prestretch of the chest and trunk resulting in a the flail-like action. This cannot occur if the arm drops below the plane of the shoulders. The dropping of the arm below the plane of the shoulders also has biomechanical impacts. The dropping of the arm causes the tip of the javelin to point upwards, causing an over rotation of the javelin. Fig.4 this image clearly indicates the drop of the shoulder beyond the plane of the shoulder. The image clearly shows the impact this has on the hips, causing them to sink and the points of the javelin, which should be kept stable. The second weakness during the transition phase is the lack of an impulse stride. The impulse energy transfers energy from the transition phase to the release. The impulse stride is a final cross-over step but with the exaggeration of the right knee drive. The drive of the right knee aids pulling the hips forward (Rogers, 2000). The athlete being analysed performs the cross-over steps with ease but just has no final impulse stride, which gains explosive energy for the release phase. The lack of an impulse stride means there is no vigorous movement generating no pace and explosion. Fig 5. The image shows the lack of a knee drive. The knee should theoretically be at 90 degree angle. The lack of knee drive reduces the explosive movement of the impulse stride. Another major weakness from the athlete is during the block phase. As Rogers (2000) explains the left side of the body should be kept firm and act as a block whilst the drive comes from the right hand side, accelerating through the block. The left leg should be fully extended so the right hand side can rotate and drive through the left leg. The weakness the athlete shows is that after the impulse stride the left-leg is planted but is flexed. The implications of this are that the right hand cannot drive through the left side, generating no power for the javelin throw. The flexing of the left knee causes the hips to sink meaning body weight is forced backwards. Fig. 6 The image shows the lack of block during the release phase. The planting foot should be firm and almost in a vertical line. The flexing of the front knee causes hips to sink and a lack of drive through this block. Table 1: illustrates the athleteà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s strengths and weaknesses. Strengths Weaknesses Good posture in run-up with the javelin kept stable. Arm drops below plane of the shoulders when drawn back Uses 10-15 step run-up. Lack of exaggeration during the impulse step Palm faces upwards and shoulder externally rotated when javelin is drawn back. Good footwork during the transition phase, with 3 well performed cross-over steps. During block phase left-leg not fully extended, causes right side not able to drive through the block. Hips drop and height lost during the block and release, caused by left-leg not fully extended. Developing Technique of the Performer As mentioned in the previous section the three key weaknesses have been prioritised. The weaknesses are; the drop of the arm below the plane of the shoulders when extended back, lack of exaggeration of the impulse stride and lack of extension of the left leg during the block and release phase. Drills now need to be created so technique of the performer is improved, so in turn the end outcome of the throw will be improved. Drills for improving these techniques can be combined together with drills for extension of the arm and lead leg culminated together. The first practice drill will be a standing javelin throw. This drill is a warm-up drill but can also focus on technical aspects of the throw (Bowerman and Freeman, 1991). The main objective of this drill is to stabilise the arm. As mentioned a weakness of the performer is the dropping of the arm below the plane of the shoulders. To simplify this drill the athlete could use a turbo javelin, this is a lighter javelin aimed at improving technical aspects or even a tennis ball. The athlete should complete about 30-60 standing javelin throws so the action is stereotyped and the athlete gets the kinaesthetic feel of the throw. During this drill the coach should be giving feedback focusing on the arm position, making sure it is above the plane of the shoulders. This drill is focusing on technical aspects so distance and effort should not be an issue the coach has to focus on. The next progression of the drill aims to perform 3 cross-over steps then perform a throw. This drill despite the introduction of the cross-over steps focuses on the arm position and extension of the lead leg during the release phase. As noticed the athlete during the transition phase lets the javelin drop below the plane of the shoulders, causing an over rotation of the javelin. During this drill the athlete should begin the throw with the arm fully extended to the rear and above the plane of the shoulders. The first stride should then be completed with the left leg and then cross-over step and throw. During the release phase the athlete needs to focus on fully extending the lead leg allowing the right side to be able to drive through the block (Rogers, 2000). The coach should prescribe the athlete to shadow perform this drill and pause as the left leg plants. This will indicate whether the athlete is fully extending the lead leg. Initially this drill should be done at a slow pace t o get used to the rhythm of the movements. Once comfortably the intensity and pace of this exercise should be increased. Again this action should be repeated so the movement is stereotyped to the performer. This means the action can be repeated without any conscious thought. To increase the difficulty of the drill the athlete should throw towards a target, making a gate to aim the javelin towards. The athlete should then challenge themselves out of 10 how many times can the athlete successfully land the javelin. The next drill will focus on the impulse stride. As explained the athlete lacked any exaggeration of the impulse stride therefore lacking explosive power into the release phase. This drill will focus on the high knee drive of the right knee. The athlete will perform cross-over steps over a line of SAQ hurdles. The athlete will only drive the right leg over the 12 inch SAQ hurdles. The will be done so the athlete feels comfortable with the feel and explosive movement of the impulse stride. The athlete should now understand the requirement s of the impulse stride so the final practice should be the athlete performing a 7-11 javelin throw. This will replicate the throw in a competition environment. The coach need to observe all components of the javelin and see if the technique has improved. Summary The javelin throw according to Rogers (2000) is split into four phases. These phases are; approach, transition, block and release and follow through. Each phase has key aspects which the coach should compare against a good model of the practice, the model of practice I compared the performer to was Steve Backley. By using video-analysis strengths and weaknesses of the performance could be drawn. For the weaknesses progressive and technical practices were drawn up so technique of the performer could improve, therefore improving performance. The key weaknesses of the performer analysed was; dropping of the arm below the plane of the shoulder when withdrawn in the transition phase, lack of extension of the lead leg during the release phase and lack of an impulse stride during the transition phase which is the most explosive movement. The progressive practices focused on one or two key points and are basic and repetitive so the technique can be embedded in the performance. Eventually the practices developed into a practice javelin throw replicating what would be done in competition, so developments can be seen.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Teaching Philosophy Statement :: Teachers Progressivism Education Essays

Teaching Philosophy Statement Ever since I was born and could comprehend, my parents hammered into my brain the need to excel. Not just to excel in general but to excel over everyone else. My parents are very competitive and believe the world is the same way. In their mind, it is them vs. everyone else in any and everything they do. I was encouraged to compete against my two older brothers to be the best in everything we did. This included sports such as soccer when we were younger, baseball, and most importantly, football. It also included academic areas such as grades and extracurricular activities such as student council. Whoever was doing the best at the time would be held up on a pedestal figuratively as a person for us to emulate. This upbringing instilled in me a need to get great grades, lift zealously to do better in those sports and be bigger than everyone else, and to also do excellent in sports. I got great grades all through grade school and high school and also was an all valley tackle in high school in football. I was one of the â€Å"smart† football players. After looking at the different characteristics of each philosophy, I realize that I have been raised as and become an essentialist. I believe essentialism to be the best teaching method to force the students to learn. Essentialism puts an emphasis on academics. What is the purpose of school? Basically, the purpose for the teacher is to teach students information while the purpose for the students is to learn the information. That means the point of going to school is to learn academics. Score one for the essentialists. Essentialism also goes by the theory of promotion based on the mastery of the material gone over in class. How else could someone be promoted on to something harder or higher? By not mastering previous material? No. Academic subjects usually build on content in each field until the top is reached. Here, to excel, one must know and know well all the previous material to deal with the subject.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Seminole Patchwork :: Essays Papers

Seminole Patchwork â€Å"Cross† or â€Å"sacred fire†, â€Å"arrow†, â€Å"zigzag†, â€Å"bird†, â€Å"wave†, â€Å"mountains† and â€Å"diamondback rattlesnake† all have something in common. What do all of these names have in common? They are all names of Seminole patchwork designs. What exactly is patchworking? It can be defined as the process of sewing pieces of solid colored cloth together to make long rows of designs, which are then joined horizontally to other bands of cloth to form a garment (Downs, 1995, 88). This Native American artwork is closely associated with the Florida Seminoles. The history of this tribe and how they came to make patchwork garments is rather interesting. In making patchwork garments, things to be considered include how it is done (process), what elements of design are used, whom the garment is to be made for and who actually makes it. Presently, there are less artists in this craft and the future of patchwork may be at risk. Seminole patchwork has been done for over a century, and it’s beauty and uniqueness needs to be revealed and recognized by Americans. The Seminole Indians were not always located in Florida. In the early 19th Century the Seminoles lived in the cool areas of Georgia. They wore animals hides and furs to keep warm. This all changed in 1830, when President Andrew Jackson passed the Indian Removal Policy of 1830, which forced the Seminoles to flee to Florida. In fleeing to Florida they left behind their homes, some relatives who refused to leave and their cool climate. In Florida, there was no longer a need for the warm furs and hides and they turned to the use of cloth. In 1840, they disappeared into the Everglades and lived there in peace, with no influences from other tribes. The Everglades were rich with exotic items that were worth a lot in trade markets. Once a year, the Seminoles would take a voyage on the Miami River to Miami. In Miami they could trade items such as alligator hides and egret plumes for rolls of cotton cloth. The Seminoles would use the cotton to make various pieces of clothing. One ye ar, a voyage could not be made to Miami to attain more cloth and the Seminoles were forced to use scraps of cloth, sewing them together to make a large piece of cloth or garment.

Essay --

In 2002, the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation (LMDC) and the New York and New Jersey Port Authority held a collaborative planning event organized by America Speaks regarding the future development of the World Trade Center site after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The LMDC and Port Authority initially created six congruent plans regarding the reconstruction of the site. The LMDC saw the mandate they had to follow in reconstructing the tower to be broad. "LMDC thus announced that it would set up eight advisory councils to represent key constituencies—families; residents; restaurants, retailers, and small businesses; arts, education and tourism; financial services firms; professional firms; commuters and transportation; and development." (Rosegrant P.2 2002) The LMDC had made plans that would involve making the site into a mixed area of commercial and residential. The Port Authority likewise desired to stick to the original layout of the previous World Trade Center struct ure. They wanted to keep the space strictly for commercial and office space purposes. (Rosegrant 2002) Unable to come to an agreement on how the site should be used, it was decided to try and reach a wider demographic in regards to creating a blueprint for the reconstruction of the site. The Port Authority and the LMDC decided to accept a proposal from America Speaks on organizing a collaborative process that will bring all of the various stakeholders together. To discuss the future of the World Trade Center site. America Speaks' collaborative event brought together over 5,000 participants. 4,500 of whom were of the general public representative of the various demographics that resided within the region. The rest being composed of government and civic leade... ...c mobilization and decision making embodies the message. When designing a collaborative process I might have done certain things differently, despite its flaws the collaborative process proved to be successful. This success is owed to being inclusive through the formatting of the meeting. Innovative use of online and offline space. Allowing participants during the initial meeting define what they would want in a design plan of the space to be reconstructed. This format of collaborative planning was fairly new and it explains why participants were not confident that their input will not be considered in the decision making. While technology did play a prominent role the management of the process was also depended on the quality of table facilitators, scribes and the theme team. America Speaks was able to successfully organize and operate this collaborative process.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Christian family Essay

The authors of several books are celebrated for the different artistic works that they produce. In their real lives, not it is everything can however be celebrated. This is because some have undergone a hard time throughout their lives. Some have gone to the extent of committing suicide so as to end the problems in their lives. Sylvia Plath and Emily Dickenson are good examples of authors who have faced a hard life and who used their writing works to express their feelings. They have undergone through a hell of life by losing their parents and enduring the extramarital affairs of their husbands as well as degenerative diseases in their late life. Further, they have manifested some similarity in their early lives because they were all brought up in a Christian family. They also had a desire to learn, an aspect that made them achievers in developing artworks. Plath and Dickenson had very tragic and troubled lives. To start with, Dickenson was born during the month of December 1830 in Amherst community. She was the second daughter of Edward Dickenson. Throughout her life, her mother was not accessible emotionally and this absence caused Dickenson to depict some eccentricity. Being born in a Christian tradition, she was forced to espouse her father’s religious beliefs without any argument. These are some of the things that came to be challenges in Dickenson’s late life as is evident through her poetry. Her family was very popular in Amherst with her father being a lawyer who made that family to enjoy immense popularity and excitement. Dickenson did not enjoy this; instead, she withdrew (Paul). When her father realized that she had a problem with his Christian religion he began to censor the books that she was reading because of their potential of drawing her away from faith. In her early life, she was silent and shy; she used to depreciate in the presence of strangers. Dickenson was very successful in college but after her life in seminary in 1848, she began her life of seclusion. The culmination of these problems made her life miserable. To add to her tragic life, she was never married although she had significant relationships which did not however work out. She lived in a private society and she could refuse to see certain people who paid her a visit. It may sound very sad that by the time she was twenty years, she had no extended exposure to the world which was outside her home. She started authoring her poetry as a way of expressing how her life was and how she hated some of her friends and family pressures. It was so unfortunate that Dickenson’s late life was full of mourning because of several deaths that occurred during a time frame of a few years. Her father died in 1874, her brother died in 1878, her mother died in 1882, and her nephew in 1883 (Burt 110). Due to these deaths, her speculations for poetry started to come to a halt in 1884 whereby she suffered her first attack of one of her terminal illnesses such as hypertension. The whole of 1885, she was bedridden and on May 1886 she took her last breath. She lived in solitude and had a very boring life that was full of tragedies and problems. On the other hand, Plath had several problems which made her life miserable. To start with, she was born during the time of The Great Depression when the nation was being faced with severe economic problems. Secondly, when she was only eight years old her father died from complications following a foot amputation due to untreated diabetes. This event introduced a lot of pain in Plath’s life because her father had refused any treatment because his friend had died. It impacted negatively in her life because she lost her Christian values that her father had instilled in her. She enrolled at Smith College – a place where she broke her leg when she was skiing. She had a great desire to learn and she had so many trophies because of her art in poetry when she was eight years only. Her leg made her to lose confidence in herself and her life in general. This made her to make her first suicide attempt when she took an overdose of sleeping pills after she crawled under her house. After this incident, she was taken to a mental institution where she received treatment. To add to her problems, during her marriage, her husband – Hughes – had an affair with Plath’s best friend, Assia Wevill. She had earlier experienced an accident which many people belief was another suicide attempt. Plath was faced with many problems which resulted to depression and finally, she committed suicide, thus killing herself together with her two children in an inferno of gas which she lit. This was the same way through which that her friend – Assia – had committed suicide earlier. We can thus argue that Plath’s life was full of tragic incidences which made her to think of killing herself. Plath and Dickenson were authors of poems and novels and in their work they used their real life details as the raw materials. Before Dickenson died, she had written over 2000 poems. Most of her poetic work was discovered by her sister in a bag after her death. Further, a great deal of her poetic work reflected most of the tragedies that she had passed through. For example, Most of her poems talk about death – which is a major aspect that made her life miserable by taking her loved ones. To illustrate, in the â€Å"Because I could not stop death† poetry, Plath personifies death as a gentleman. In the first line, she states that since she was not in a position to stop death, it will kindly stop her, meaning that she was preparing to meet her death. There are various themes that she explored through the poems. To start with, she used love as a theme. She employed this concept to explain the situation that she was in because she was never married. Secondly, despair was another theme that she used in her poems. One can argue that she did this to express the despair that she had faced in her tragic life. Her poems – which she wrote while she was in the seminary – show her tendencies in her academic years. The prominent themes include the hard time that she faced trying to maintain close family ties, her preference for solitude over society, her intellectual curiosity, and her hesitation to accept Christianity in a manner that her family and friends wanted On the other hand, Plath described her tragic life indirectly in her poems and books. She used her life details as the raw materials for her art work. After the death of her father, Plath was a frequent caller at her father’s grave and this prompted her to write â€Å"Electra on Azalea Path,† which is a poem that described the memorable moments of her father’s life (Horvath 61). Conversely, Plath pointed out her idea of committing suicide through her various poetic works. She wrote a book named â€Å"The Bell Jar,† which is a semi-autographical work describing her entire life. She used the â€Å"Fig Tree† as an analogy; a ripe fruit represented her intended future. She also used a woman who is ready to â€Å"Learn German† but is haunted by her past. This shows that Plath did not like her past and the only way to show this was by putting it through poems and books In conclusion, the lives of these two authors were full of similar tragedies. They were both rebellious to the Christian religion and to the efforts of their friends and family in forcing them into it. They have used poetry to describe the lives that they have lived and the injustices that they have faced in their entire lives. They died being heroes of poetry even though they were not aware. In their poetic work, these two women were similar in the fact that they used examples of repressed women who have been able to write their work in poetry and other writings. This was despite the fact that the society did not give a chance for women to do so. Both have manifested themselves as people who are not destroyed by the repression of the male-dominated society. The main difference between them is the time in which they started to write. Dickenson started writing after her twenties whereas Plath started when she was very young. Works Cited Burt, Daniel S. The Biography Book: A Reader’s Guide to Nonfiction, Fictional, And Film Biographies of More Than 500 of the Most Fascinating Individuals of All Time. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2001. Horvath, Rita. Never Asking Why Build – Only Asking Which Tools†: Confessional Poetry And The Construction Of The Self. Andrea Pok, Hungary: Akademiai Kiado, 2005. Paul. C. Emily Dickinson’s Life. July 23, 2010. .

Friday, August 16, 2019

Consider how effectively does David Lean creates an atmosphere of fear and suspense in the opening sequence of ‘Great Expectations’

Welcome to the new monthly section of The Film Watchers' Journal in which we discuss a question asked to us by a reader. As it is nearly Halloween, our topic for this month will be, ‘What is the best way to create an atmosphere of fear and suspense in a film? ‘ To do this I will first discuss my personal views on this question and then we will take a deeper study of the classic suspenseful opening of the 1945 film ‘Great Expectations', directed by the great David Lean and the Academy Award Winner of Best Cinematography and Best Art Direction in 1946. To start with, let's consider what makes a film scary and suspenseful. Some may say that it is outright scares and jumps, though I believe that it is more than that. Something within us needs to feel the fear of the characters and there are many techniques a director can use to achieve that. One of the main causes of fear is the music. Large periods of silence can really get you feeling scared as you wait for something to happen, but equally I also would say that it is chilling when you hear the odd sound such as creaking or the wind to give a sense of realism and pulls at our basic fears of these sorts of noises. Another way that many films are made to be scary is by their use of lighting. Again the basic fear of the dark is used, but also making certain aspects of the scene light or dark can foreshadow future events and subconsciously make the viewer feel worried about what is going to happen. There are also of course many other ways of making a scene fearful and suspenseful such as camera movement, the relative size of what is in the frame, speed of editing and lots of other things besides but we will get to this as I analyse the opening scenes of ‘Great Expectations' as it has many good examples which can be noted. To start with it would be wrong not to look at how the opening shot of the scene in which the book is read. At first glance it may not seem to have any fear or suspense as it is a very everyday object, but I think that there is relevance to this in the overall build up of apprehension. As it is read, the calmness of the melody in the background is slowly overtaken by the sound of the wind as the story begins, and the way this is makes you wonder what is going to happen and starts building up some tension, especially as the pages of the book flick in some supernatural way. It immediately focuses you on it as the book is lit up, framed by the darkness of an unknown place which may be playing on our fear of the unknown. It then fades into the next scene, which I believe gives it a sense of smooth carrying on, and the suspense really starts to kick in. One of the key ways in which David Lean creates fear is by the imagery of death all around, a common technique used by directors. One of the chief examples of this is when Pip runs past the gallows in the wide open marshes. With the use of perspective he really looks the same size as the first, almost as if it is made for him. Subconsciously I think that this must make the scene more worrying for the audience as they have the picture of him and death together in their minds. This is strongly reinforced by the second gibbet which towers over him as he runs underneath it which again shows that death is over him all the time. I find that this is a very effective way of creating fear as it is not too obvious so it works at our subconscious which is more subtle and can create more lasting and deeper fears as we slowly piece them together in the backs of our minds. Another example of death imagery is obviously the graveyard which almost always has the gravestones looking bigger than Pip and looming over him, possibly to create a sense of foreboding. I think that the constant reminder of death being always there is definitely a big reason that this is the classic suspense scene always remembered. Of course imagery is also used elsewhere; one of the foremost cases of this is when the second tree is shown looming over Pip you can quite clearly see what seems to be a face in the gnarled bark. This reflects the childish fears of Pip and therefore makes us immediately empathise with him and feel his fear as well due to our compassion for frightened children that is within most people, especially seeing as that sort of thing can live in with us until we are much older. Of course the imagery is not the only way of creating fear and suspense. Another obvious technique used in this film is the way objects or people, specifically Pip, are placed in the frame to give them certain relevance. This is shown to start with by the world seeming very big and Pip seeming very small by using very distant establishing shots. You may think that this would make him seem quite irrelevant but as he is kept quite central in the mise en scine and the camera moves with him we can see that his size on the screen must serve a different purpose and I believe that this is to show us just how scary and big this world is, especially to a child, and straight away lead us to empathise with him and therefore feel his fear. Again this use of size is echoed later in the scene when Pip meets the convict, with the convict always towering over him in a way that makes him seem very weak and in peril. At some points we cannot even see the convict's head as it is looming so high above him that it does not fit in the frame. It could be said that this is just for practicality but I think it is important because in quite a lot of the time we can be more scared by what we cannot see that what we can see and the fact that his head is not in the shot makes it seem all the more frustrating as we do not feel that we can see the whole picture and therefore it scares us as the unknown is a massive factor in how we get scared.. Another more subtle way that this film gets into our subconscious is through very clever lighting which can be seen as very symbolic. In the shot where the boy runs toward the camera we can quite clearly see that the foreground is darker than the light shining on the horizon so we can plainly see that the boy is running from the light into the dark and I would associate this with danger and fear. However, I think the use of light is most evident in the section with Pip and the convict as Pip clearly has the light shining on him while the convict is left in the dark. This not only makes him more mysterious as we cannot see him as well as we would like to but it also makes him seem dark and scary which sparks most people's inner fear of darkness and again that which is unknown. Use of the dark is therefore a very popularly used way to really get into people's heads as it is a primal fear that everyone has and instantaneously makes us feel nervous when this man is introduced because he is so dark within the frame compared to Pip whom we have come to trust who is lit up. Although a lot of the lighting is not as strong as in some other films, I think that the way that it affects us is still quite noticeable and does serve a very useful purpose in that it grabs our attention and slowly builds up future unconscious foreshadowing of future events. Probably one of the more obvious things which David Lean uses to create tension is his use of sounds. Unlike many other suspenseful films he does not use suspenseful music or much silence, but in fact the chilling sounds of the howling wind, distant seabird call and the creaking of trees. These may seem a little over the top to a modern audience used to being scared in much more elaborate ways, but they still can make you shiver if you are really getting into the film. A great deal of this is just repeated over and over, so you are lulled into a false sense of security so that when the scream comes as Pip is grabbed by the convict you are caught completely off guard. This use of a long period of similar sounds then a large, surprising one is often used to great effect in films and the shock of it is a very good tactic as it shakes the audience into focus and really makes them watch what's happening. The scream itself is quite scary as, having to got to empathise with the boy, we immediately share his fear and want to know what is going on but can't quite tell. I think that this is again going back to the fear of the unknown which has seemed to come up quite often in this review. Lastly, it is useful to look at some of the more technical techniques used to make this film suspenseful, namely camera movement and post production editing. I don't feel that the way the camera moves makes it quite as suspenseful as it could be as there is not all that much done with it other than panning across whenever Pip moves. It could possibly be improved had more been done with it such as zooming in slowly to build up tension or quick movement away from Pip to disassociate with him at some points. However, it could be said that the lack of movement in the shots makes them seem more sharply put together and could make movement more edgy and therefore in a way scarier. The editing on the other hand I feel is quite well done to make it seem more suspenseful. As the scene opens there are long, slow moving shots which establish us into the scene and make us feel a sense of what it is like to be there and begin to draw us into it. The shots continue to be long and unhurried until the lengthy shot of Pip slowly looking round behind him as he begins to feel that something is wrong. The shots then speed up rapidly, cutting from him to the tree then back to him and even more quickly onto the tree with the gnarled face. With this we can feel his fear building up and we begin to feel it ourselves too, and as he gets up and runs we are fully with him and are just as shocked as him when his is grabbed by the convict. The shots stay quite fast as he has his conversation with the convict which I feel reflects his own fear in the situation and again, because we have already built up some form of empathy for Pip's character during the short time before, we begin to worry what will happen as well. So there it is, I can answer the question that in this old classic the way that David Lean thinks that a film can be made suspenseful and fearful is mainly by slowly getting us to feel for a character and build up imagery of death and subconsciously keep feeding us fearful pictures and sounds so that when the climax of the fear comes we are equally as shocked as Pip is. Although modern audiences might scoff at this movie as it is not as scary by today's standards, I think that it is a very clever piece of film in making you scared without being too obvious about it and that if you look carefully in more contemporary films you will see that even then the same techniques are generally used. That's it for this month's film question, but please write in with responses or suggestions for November, and keep an eye out for these techniques when you are next watching a scary film!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Impact of Internet & Online Community Networking Application Essay

Web 2. 0 internet Technology allows users to interact and cooperate with each other in a social media dialogue as creators of user-generated content in a virtual community. There are various Community Networking Application platforms provided by the social media networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter to the marketing of products and services for the hospitality industry. Social network offers media technologies that can enable online functionality and monitoring perspectives wherein the data gathered can be used to improve their services for customer satisfaction. The hospitality industry can market themselves in social media and networking thus it can be use social media to engage customers and clients in dialogue and recognize their needs & wants. Through these networking sites, hospitality industry Web 2. 0 internet Technology allows users to interact and cooperate with each other in a social media dialogue as creators of user-generated content in a virtual community. There are various Community Networking Application platforms provided by the social media networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter to the marketing of products and services for the hospitality industry. Social network offers media technologies that can enable online functionality and monitoring perspectives wherein the data gathered can be used to improve their services for customer satisfaction. The hospitality industry can market themselves in social media and networking thus it can be use social media to engage customers and clients in dialogue and recognize their needs & wants. Through these networking sites, hospitality industry could interact with new & loyal guests before, during, and after of the guest staying experience. Social media is relatively new and the advantages are abundance such as it is affordable (no cost), it is viral and has the potential to spread brand awareness rapidly and far and it is said to be able to develop link baits, attention and massive amounts of webpage traffic flow. The purpose of this study is to evaluate Impact of Internet & Online Community  Networking Application (Web 2. 0 internet Technology) based on Budget Hotel in Klang Valley Introduction Hospitality industry play significant role in the world in terms of the numbers of employees and its effect on the community and economical development of a region or country. Hospitality means providing service to others, as well as demonstrating consistent excellence and quality. It should also mean profitably providing value at any price level, while demonstrating your own unique points of distinction. Most of all, hospitality should be a â€Å"place†, where people can still be exceptional individuals and they can extend their own personality and style (Hogan, 2008). The use of internet & networking application for basic functions for instance conferences, business meetings in distant places, training, designed routes and airlines, reservations and tickets purchased through computer systems, tourist shops, restaurants is becoming typical in hospitality industry. The hotels depend progressively on the resources of new information technology to follow and update the tools which allow an efficient development of activities in each section of the company, leading to better results for its management (Mendes-Filho & Ramos, 2003a). To Phillips and Moutinho (1998), information technology (IT) is one of the critical factors of success in the hotel industry. The debate over â€Å"high-tech† or â€Å"high-touch† is largely a thing of the past in the hospitality industry as emerging technologies drive unprecedented change in the way hotels operate and serve customers. It is clear that investments in technologies can generate greatly improved operating efficiencies, higher hotel revenues and enhanced guest services. The pace of change, however, has been so extreme as to leave many hotel organizations uncertain about what types of technology to adopt and the best ways to create a seamless integration of systems company-wide. In addition, investments made by many hotel owners and operators during the last five years have lagged as a result of the serious downturn weathered by the industry. Many hotel organizations are using technologies so outdated as to place their companies at a competitive disadvantage in the marketplace. (dchosenone, Jun 2009) The arrival of the Internet has increased the opportunities to boost the accommodation industry. Recently, hoteliers are fully aware of the benefits that the Internet can calaborate to their business. Well-informed of the far reaching importance of the web, they are motivated to create more awareness of their industry, on top of getting more bookings online. This had driven website development for hotels and resorts, the online reservation booking system, the increased number of reviews and redesigning of accommodation websites, as well as other tourism related online enterprises. As a matter of fact, there is a steady, daily growth of the web strategies for hotel and hospitality. The IT trends in the accommodation industry improve every day. Online marketing renewed the hospitality industry. Social bookmarking, mobile marketing (Runritz application), Web 2. online communities and all others have all added up to the change in the impact of the hospitality industry. The traditional booking system of hotels and resorts has been changed by the Internet. Thus potential guests can easily compare several hotel rooms & facilities and its rates offered by various hoteliers. Then there is the advancement of computer graphics and web photos that hoteliers had utilize to display their hotels’ pictures. In this way potential guests can take a virtual tour to feel the interiors and exteriors of their hotels and resorts. It has also become simple for clients to acquire info on hotels’ Rooms and Rates, amenities, facilities and promos. The emergence of Web 2. 0, allows one with unlimited amount of things the individual can do on the internet these days. The individual is not just restricted to emails or passively absorbing the static information that is available on the web pages when browsing. It used to be one-way but now the web is the platform where people can share information, hold a decent dialogue, build both social and business connections. Social media has recently been adopted by a small group of organizations’ integrated marketing plans. There by infusing a mix of advertisement, public relations, their sales promotion to produce a customer focused message. With the evolution of platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, we have the golden opportunity for exceptional access to the guest (Lanz, Fischhof, & Lee, 2010). Since social media is so available to anyone with an internet connection, it should be a platform that can be recommended to the ospitality industry to increase their brand awareness and facilitate direct feedback from their customers. A business that understands the advantage of social media is well aware that social media is essential in developing new business in the current competitive and online driven marketplace. Marketing is an important aspect for any company involved in business. As such, it is a competitive world out there, and social media marketing is the ‘new kid in town’ and it can reach out to the people accessing these social media platform regularly. Communication is essential for any corporation and business, therefore either they change the way information is conveyed or be prepared to lose some of the audience. It is imperative for marketing managers to continuously find a solution to appeal, keep new and current consumers (Schneider, 2009). Social network is the ideal platform for communication that applies perfectly with marketing in the virtual world. Social networks are groups of individuals who 3 prefer to communicate with one another through a preferred site based on the profile created for themselves (Laudon and Traver, 2007).

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Five Force Analysis Essay

The Bible says in Philippians 2:3-4 â€Å"Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interest of others†. The industry-based view of strategy is underpinned by the five forces framework, first advocated by Michael Porter, it was later strengthen by others. The five forces strategy forms the backbone of the industry-based view of strategy. Since its introduction in 1979, has become the framework for industry analysis. The five forces measure the competitiveness of the market deriving its attractiveness (Peng, 2009). Soft drink industry needs huge amount of money to spend on advertisement and marketing. In 2000, Pepsi, Coke and their bottler’s invested approximately $2.58 billion. This makes exceptionally hard for a new competitor to struggle with current market and expand visibility. (MBA lectures, 2010). The Coca Cola Company has little worries when it comes to threats of potential entry. The beverage industry there is no consumer switching cost and zero capital requirement. Coca Cola is a beverage but it is also seen as a brand. Coke has held a significant market share for a long and their customers are loyal trying new brands are not likely. Actions indicative of a high degree of rivalry include frequent price wars, proliferation of new products, intense advertising campaigns and high cost competitive actions and reactions (Peng, 2009). The intensity of the rival threatens firms by reducing profits. Currently, the main competitor Coca Cola has is Pepsi. Pepsi has a wide range of beverage products under its brand. Coca-Cola and Pepsi are the predominant carbonated beverages and committed heavily to sponsoring outdoor events and activities. The market have other soda brands that are popular such as Dr. Pepper because of its unique flavors. The other brands haven’t been as succ essful as Pepsi or Coca Cola. Threat of existing rival is high among Coca Cola and Pepsi. Coke and Pepsi are primarily competing on advertising and differentiation rather than on pricing. Substitutes are products of different industries that satisfy customer needs currently met  by the focal industry (Peng, 2009). Microeconomic teaches the more substitutes a product has, the demand for the product becomes elastic. Pepsi is not a substitute for Coke because they are in the same industry. Tea, coffee, juice, and water are substitutes because they are beverages but are in a different product category. There are many kinds of energy drink, soda, and juice product in the market Coke doesn’t really have a unique taste it’s hard for many people to tell in a taste test which one is which. All the suppliers of these substitutes need massive advertising, brand equity, brand loyalty and making sure that their brands are effortlessly accessible to consumers (MBA Lectures, 2010). The bargaining power of buyers weather corporate or individual, firms in the focal industr y are essentially supplies. A small number of buyers leads to strong bargaining power. Buyers may enhance their bargaining power if products of an industry do not clearly produce cost saving or enhance the quality of life for buyers. Buyers may have strong bargaining power if they purchase standard, commodity products from suppliers. Buyers are just like suppliers they may enhance their bargaining power by entering the focal industry through backward integration (Peng, 2009). The most important buyers for the Soft Drink industry are fast food fountain, vending, convenience stores, restaurants, college canteens and other in the categorize of market share (MBA Lectures, 2010). The bargaining power of buyers for Coca Cola has low pressure. The individual has no pressure on Coca Cola. The consumer brand loyalty helps Coca Cola when it comes large retailers like Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart have power in bargaining because of the large order quantity. Bargaining power of suppliers are low for Coca Cola. Suppliers are organization that provide inputs, such as materials, services, and manpower, to firms in the focal industry. The bargaining power of suppliers refers to their ability to raise and reduce quality of goods and services. If the supplier industry is dominated by a few firms, they may gain an upper hand (Peng, 2009). The main ingredient for soft drink are carbonated water, phosphoric acid, sweetener, and caffeine. The supplier are not concentrated. Coca Cola is the largest customer for these suppliers. Supplier’s products are important input for the manufactures in this industry because these product are not substituted. Reference: Holy Bible Peng, M.W. (2009). Global Strategy (3rd. ed.) Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning Porter’s Five Forces Model of Coca Cola. Nov 25, 2010

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Comparison between and Borders Books Essay

Comparison between and Borders Books - Essay Example Another concern of the present study is the Borders Books that represents a bookstore publicly held spreading its business through a large number of stores and encountering different stages of business. Thus the current study focuses on the two different companies- and Borders Books- and conducts a learning on their histories, business approaches, management and marketing and how they have gone through their successes and failures and thus try to recommend some policies that might enable the companies to have better marketing conditions. History of and Borders Books: The Company was started in the year 1994 by Jeff Bezos. The origin of the company was in Washington. Bezos’ idea regarding the business was appreciated and investments were supported by Nick Hanauer who was a businessman by profession. Then the company had plans to go online and spread its business. Initially the business was not as shining as it is known to be in the present times . In the early times of its initiation, the website was not very attractively designed and hence lacked the attention of the customers. By the year 1995, a person named Tom Alburg helped the company through further investments and thus the website was designed newly which then started attracting customers. Gradually the company introduced several products and within a short span of time, the company gained huge success as well as profits (The History of, 2011). The history of Borders Books reflects the contribution of several stores of books that include the Borders, Waldenbooks and Brentano's. The Borders Bookstores were started by two brothers, Tom Borders and Louis Borders, in the year 1971. Initially the store was opened in Ann Arbor. Later stores were also opened in Michigan, Atlanta and Indianapolis. Their books were also sold through other booksellers. The first superstore of the company was established in the year 1985. By the year 1988, the Borders bookstores, wh ich later went online, proved to be huge success and delivered efficiently (Peterson, 2012). Business Approach, Management and Marketing of and Borders Books: As far as the business approaches of the two companies are concerned, it has been observed that the and Borders Books both had its focus on the increasing sales and the satisfaction of the customers. While has been found to initially struggle and later on efficiently managed success till the present times, the Borders Books have been found to initially achieve success but later the company failed to maintain its position in the market and lost to bankruptcy. It has been found that the concept of internet marketing was much more effectively understood and utilized by rather than by Borders Books (Volcanic, 2009). had its focus on the customers’ preferences and the manner in which there website could be more attractive to them. Thus initially when the company had rece ived financial assistance it focused on the design of the website that resultantly gained more customers for the company. The company was so concerned with the customers’ satisfaction that they even introduced systems to receive feedback from the customers, thus giving the customers the feeling of being significant. When the company encountered severe losses in 2001, it initiated